Jumat, 20 Juli 2012
My Lovely Child's
Matthew Sitindaon is my oldest son. He is handsome likely the Prince. And my second son is Mutiara Sitindaon. She is very pretty likely the queen. Thanks God for everything and bless my family.
Minggu, 01 Juli 2012
Pesparawi 2012, Kendari Siap
Sebagai ibukota Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, Kendari telah siap berbenah diri sebagai tuan rumah untuk acara nasional pesta paduan suara Gerejawi (Pesparawi) yang akan dilaksanakan mulai tanggal 03 s.d 09 Juli 2012. Sampai hari ini kota kendari telah dibanjiri para kontingen dari berbagai daerah. Bertepatan dengan hari minggu, para kontingen yang telah tiba di kendari turut mengambil bagian dalam kebaktian minggu di gereja-gereja yang ada di kendari. Di Gereja Gepsultra Immanuel Kendari, turut mengikuti kebaktian kontingen dari jakarta dan kalimantan barat. Di sela-sela kebaktian paduan suara pesparawi kendari dari seluruh kategori memanjatkan lagu pujian sebagai uji coba sebelum pelaksanaan pesta nantinya. Biarlah nama YESUS dipuji dan dimuliakan, haleluya amin.
Jumat, 15 Juni 2012
Pendelegasian wewenang penghapusan dari pengguna
barang (jika ada)
SK panitia penghapusan/lelang
3. Daftar barang yang akan dihapus yg berisi nama
barang, kode barang, merk barang, tahun perolehan, harga perolehan/harga
koreksi/, nilai limit,
kondisi barang, dan total harga perolehan/harga koreksi
Berita Acara Pemeriksaan fisik BMN yg akan
dihapus yang dibuat oleh panitia penghapusan
Laporan Kondisi Barang yang memuat barang yang
akan dihapus (pastikan kondisi
di simak rusak berat)
6. Surat Pernyataan Kuasa Pengguna Barang bahwa
penghapusan tersebut tidak menggangu kelancaran kegiatan operasional kantor
Foto-foto barang yang akan dihapus
KIB untuk kendaraan, tanah, dan bangunan
Fotocopi Surat Hasil Pemeriksaan Fisik Kendaraan
dari Dinas Perhubungan
Fotocopi STNK dan BPKB apabila hilang dibuktikan
dengan surat keterangan dari kepolisian
Surat Pernyataan yang menyatakan bertanggung
jawab penuh atas besaran nilai limit yg di ajukan (contoh Surat Pernyataan
berkas berupa fotocopy disahkan/dilegalisir
Foto copy DIPA
yang menjelaskan tersedianya anggaran untuk bangunan pengganti
Kamis, 14 Juni 2012
Penertiban BMN Bermasalah
Selasa malam tanggal 12 Juni 2012 pukul 19.00 WITA,
Kepala KPKNL Kendari Guntur Riyanto mengisi dan menjadi narasumber pada acara
Dialog Sultra di TVRI Stasiun Sulawesi Tenggara. Selain Kepala KPKNL Kendari,
agar dialog lebih menarik dan berjalan seimbang, turut hadir Kepala Bagian Umum
Kanwil Kementerian Hukum & HAM sebagai perwakilan satker instansi vertikal
dan Kepala Sub Bagian Umum Dinas Perkebunan & Hortikultura Provinsi
Sulawesi Tenggara perwakilan dari satker SKPD.
Acara yang dipandu oleh host Asraf Yunus dan berdurasi
1 jam tersebut mengambil tema “Penertiban Barang Milik Negara Bermasalah”.
Pengambilan tema dialog tersebut terasa pas dan cocok dengan tugas KPKNL
Kendari dalam mengelola BMN. Mengawali pemaparannya dengan pakaian khas Sultra
tenun Tolaki, Kepala KPKNL Kendari tampil sangat meyakinkan menjelaskan
mengenai posisi dan peran KPKNL selaku Pengelola Barang Milik Negara, Pengguna
Barang dan Kuasa Pengguna Barang serta membahas mengenai penyelesaian 10
permasalahan BMN sesuai KMK Nomor: 271/KMK.06/2011 dengan memperhatikan prinsip
pengelolaan 3T yakni Tertib Administrasi, Tertib Hukum dan Tertib fisik.
Diuraikan pula pengelolaan yang harus dilakukan Kuasa
Pengguna Barang khususnya masalah penggunaan, pemanfaatan, pemindahtanganan dan
penghapusan, karena terkait dengan penyelesaian BMN bermasalah dimaksud.
Bonthyni, perwakilan dari Kemenkumham menyampaikan
kendala pengelolaan BMN di satker-satker Kanwil Kemenkumham seperti perlu
pengecekan ke lapangan karena bukan tidak mungkin ada beberapa aset yang
dikuasai oleh pihak lain dan aset BMN yang tidak dipergunakan kepada siapa
dititip BMN tersebut serta penyelesaian aset BMN yang terbakar.
Guntur Riyanto menyampaikan bahwa KPKNL Kendari siap menyelesaikan
BMN Bermasalah yang ada pada Kanwil Kemenkumham sesuai mekanisme dan ketentuan
yang berlaku. Untuk aset BMN yang tidak dipergunakan atau idle, agar diserahkan
ke Pengelola Barang untuk dilakukan optimalisasi terhadap aset-aset tersebut.
Wahidin, selaku kasubag umum Dinas Perkebunan &
Hortikultura Prov.Sultra menyampaikan bahwa telah terjalin kerjasama yang baik
selama ini dengan KPKNL Kendari dimana pihak KPKNL Kendari pada saat ini sedang
melakukan penilaian guna penghapusan BMN pada satker yang menerima dana
Dekonsentrasi ini.
Dialog berlangsung hidup, dinamis, menarik, dan
memberikan wawasan kepada pemirsa terutama satuan-satuan kerja di wilayah kerja
KPKNL Kendari.
Dipenghujung acara, perwakilan dari Kanwil Kemenkumham
dan Dinas Perkebunan Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara mengapresiasi positif terhadap pencerahan
dan keberadaan KPKNL Kendari dalam mengelola BMN di wilayah Provinsi Sulawesi
Kepada Kuasa Pengguna Barang di wilayah Sulawesi
Tenggara baik Instansi Vertikal dan SKPD diucapkan terima kasih atas kerjasama
yang telah terjalin selama ini dan kedepan bisa lebih baik lagi, ujar Guntur. Terhadap
BMN bermasalah yang rusak berat dan hilang segera diajukan permohonan
penghapusannya ke KPKNL Kendari karena masa berlaku KMK 271 hanya 2 tahun dan
akan berakhir bulan Agustus 2013, himbau Guntur.
Rabu, 06 Juni 2012
Kendari –
Selasa, 5 Juni 2012 bertempat
di Hotel Azhar
diselenggarakan acara “Verifikasi dan Validasi Hasil Inventarisasi dan
Penilaian (IP) BMN pada Satker di Lingkungan Kementerian Agama”, sebagai tindak lanjut dari kegiatan
serupa yang terlebih
dahulu telah diselenggarakan oleh Kantor Pusat DJKN pada
tanggal 13–17
Pebruari 2012 di Jakarta.
Acara verifikasi
dan validasi
hasil IP BMN ini dilaksanakan
selama 2 (dua)
hari dari tanggal
05 – 06 Juni 2012 yang dihadiri oleh
perwakilan dari 65
satuan kerja di lingkungan Kementerian
Agama Provinsi Sulawesi
Tenggara. Masing-masing Satuan
Kerja mengirimkan petugas yang menangani SIMAK BMN.
Latar belakang diadakannya kegiatan ini adalah adanya
temuan pemeriksaan Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) atas Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Pusat (LKPP) khususnya koreksi hasil Inventarisasi dan
Penilaian (IP) BMN.
pelaksanaan verifikasi dan validasi dilaksanakan oleh tim dari KPKNL Kendari,
Kepala Seksi PKN dalam sambutannya menyampaikan apresiasi terhadap perolehan
opini atas Laporan Keuangan TA 2011 untuk Kementerian Agama yang memperoleh
opini WTP-DPP (Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian Dengan Paragraf Penjelasan), lebih
baik dibanding 2010 yang hanya memperoleh
opini WDP. Iwan Victor juga menghimbau
kepada seluruh peserta, sepulangnya mereka ke kantor masing-masing agar
menyampaikan ke pimpinan mereka untuk segera menindaklanjuti hal-hal sebagai
1. Mengajukan permohonan penetapan status
penggunaan BMN ke KPKNL Kendari karena proses ini wajib hukumnya sebagai bagian
dari pengelolaan Barang Milik Negara.
2. Jika ada Tanah dan/atau bangunan atau
BMN selain tanah dan/atau bangunan yang dimanfaatkan dalam bentuk sewa atau KSP
agar dilaporkan ke KPKNL Kendari untuk diproses lebih lanjut sesuai ketentuan
yang berlaku
3. Dalam rangka penertiban BMN yang
hilang dan rusak berat, satker dihimbau untuk menindaklanjutinya sesuai PMK-271
untuk diajukan penghapusan.
4. Bagi satker yang belum menyampaikan
ADK Simantap agar segera menyampaikannya ke KPKNL Kendari.
sambutan penutupnya, Kasi PKN mengajak peserta yang hadir untuk bersama-sama
mengelola aset negara dengan baik dan benar bukan hanya semata-mata untuk
mengejar opini WTP, tetapi yang terpenting adalah tata kelola keuangan dan aset
yang akuntable, transparan dan sesuai
sasaran demi tercapainya kemaslahatan rakyat banyak dan dalam jangka panjang
berimplikasi terhadap anak cucu kita nantinya.
Rabu, 30 Mei 2012
IRERS 2012
The Director-General of Valuation
and Property Services Department, Y.B
Dato’ Seri Ahmad Husni bin Mohamad Hanadzlah was speaking at the Official
Opening Ceremony of 6 th International Real Estate Research Symposium (IRERS)
2012 at Jubli Hall, Campus2, Inspen Malaysia, April 24, 2012. The theme for the
year was Globalisation of Real Estate: Transformation and Opportunities caught
the interest of the participants including 54 international participants.
More information about IRERS 2012
Kamis, 24 Mei 2012
Land is a gift from God to mankind on earth. From
birth until his death, people need land to live and the source of life. That's
where people live, work and living place, a place where they came from and
where are they going to go.
Land has multiple values for humans. Rapid population
growth with a population of Indonesia at this time (250 ± million), which can
be caused by birth or because of migration and urbanization, while the number
was never increased its land so as to make the land into an economic commodity
whose value is very high, so every centi meter of land becomes very valuable to
the owner.
As the times and improving the quality of science and
technology which contribute to the increased public awareness resulting in the
public mindset on land control was changed. Assets associated with land
development, it appears the public mindset towards control of land where people
no longer make the land into production but makes land resources as a means of
investment or economic commodity. As in the Sunggal Village, Medan North
Sumatra, thousands of hectares of agricultural land was transformed into an
elite residential areas and commercial areas (Daily Newspapers North Sumatra
Post, January 29, 2012).
In terms of land tenure, many of the problems that we
encountered in the area of land. The dynamics of the complexity of land
issues have a high load, this is caused by the reality that suggests that human
needs for land always increases with the rate of growth and development in all
fields. On the other hand, the quantity does not increase the amount of land
area (relatively fixed). One obvious example that occurred in December 2011 the
last of conflict / violence in Mesuji Lampung. Starting from the public discontent towards the socio-economic
rights of people raped by the magistrates who have wealth and power who want to
control the land and take advantage of acquisition of land.
Events that occurred in Lampung is one of the variations of
the existing problems. In general, the motives and background of the causes of
these cases the land is affected by:
a. Less the order of administration in the past;
b. Land prices are increasing rapidly;
c. The condition of society is
increasingly aware of and understand the interests and rights;
d. Climate of openness as one of the policy outlined by the Government;
e. The persistence of rogue
elements of government that have not been able to capture the aspirations of
the people;
f. The
existence of the parties the opportunity to seek material gain that is not fair
It is necessary that the entity is required to manage the
available land optimally, so that each professional can be accommodated in a
proportional interest as a reflection of the ideals of national development in
all areas as mandated by the Constitution, Article 33 paragraph (3) UUD 1945, which reads: "The earth and
water and natural resources contained therein is controlled by the State and
used for the overall prosperity of the people".
Still a lack of coordination among agencies related to
spatial policy and land use. Consequently lead to a gap between these two
aspects. This
variable dynamics as the cause of problems in the area of land. When in fact
these two aspects are inseparable.
Spatial planning is a standard reference and administration
of the land is one of the elaboration of policy space as outlined in the
Spatial Plan. As a result, there are critical issues, such as lack of
synchronization and consistency of land use policy, the absence of ground data
synchronization, the absence of a tool for controlling land tenure, and the
lack of tools to direct the use of the land. With such an impact, spatial
planning that has been made is limited to the plan on paper, but it is very
difficult to implement in the field.
Land administration is a very important tool to support the
implementation of land policies. Like the forces of war, land administration is
a much-needed ammunition to win the war. Already there are some associated with
this policy. For example, a program of land registration, land mapping and
others. But it’s still felt not optimal with the increasingly complex problems
facing the ground. This condition was one factor causing a variety of land
policy implementation has not been going well.
In a land administration reform should note that:
a. Land will be one of the
commercial commodity in the economy with regard to the demands of national and
global investment. This relates to the competition to win the global investment
between Indonesia and other countries are implementing a strategy of land as
one of the factors attract investments.
b. Land will also be one of the
aspects required to do redistribution and optimization of the economic
potential it contains with respect to efforts to achieve justice and equitable
development to all people and regions.
c. Necessary synchronization
between the Act and the Local Government Act Financial Balance Between Central
and Local Government, so that the decentralization policy, control usage, and
mastery of one of the implications that must be faced by the middle of the
limited human resources and infrastructure areas. Granting authority to the
regional policy (decentralization) is done gradually and cautiously according
to the ability of the region through the development of learning by doing
system / process that is able to provide increased quality and capability in
handling land area.
d. Improved understanding of the
law of the land by the people in line with the transparency and legal
empowerment of the run, so the implication is that legal certainty will
increase the demand of land tenure.
In Indonesia, the state agency charged with managing and
developing land administration is the National Land Agency (BPN) in accordance
with Article 2 of Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No.26 of
1998. These lands are managed by BPN if the land meant to be viewed from the
- The nature and type of land
- Re-Inventing the structural basis of land
- The
legal status of land
- The
interests of land rights
In addition, there are other agencies that manage the area of
land : the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Forestry, and Ministry of
Mines. Based on the Joint Regulation of the Minister of Finance and Head of
National Land Agency Number: 186/PMK.06/2009 and No. 24 of 2009 on Certificate
of State Property, the Ministry of Finance, represented by the Directorate
General of State Assets (DJKN) took a part in land, this is particularly land
that is State Property.
To repair a good land administration system to the
rearrangement of existing land administration in which plots of land available
for each note of the aspects of physical size, control, use, types of rights
and legal certainty, which is managed in information systems / land use
database, taka and the less important is the implementation of an effective
system of administration carried out in accordance with the laws prevailing in
the area of land.
With the land administration system that is well organized,
the Government can optimally manage lands that will provide great benefit to
all parties.
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